Hey, I’m Magdelyn.

I use astrology and Tarot to help clients collaborate with the Universe. I’d love to work with you!

Current Offerings

Astrological Readings

Astrology is the study of planetary movements and light/seasonal cycles. It is the art of timing; of knowing what season you’re in. Astrological principles and techniques have been used for thousands of years to predict and plan events (both personal and collective), as well as to deepen understanding and insight into personal psychology. In my current practice, I use a mix of traditional Hellenistic (Western) astrological techniques, which are more event focused, as well as modern astrological concepts and principles, which are more internal and psychologically focused. I currently use whole sign houses and the tropical zodiac in my readings.

Natal Chart Reading ($100)

Your natal chart is a depiction of the heavens at the moment of your birth. Planetary placements and aspects in the natal chart reflect the trajectory of your life. In this one hour session, we will take a look at your unique natal chart and the journey that has been curated for you in this lifetime. This is a collaborative session - with your lived experience and my understanding of traditional astrological technique, we will work together to cultivate insight and a deeper understanding of the gifts and challenges your life offers.

*this session is one hour long. In order to offer an accurate reading, the exact date, time, and location of your birth must be provided.

Tarot Readings

Tarot is a divinatory system which uses a 78-card deck and the images depicted therein to gain insight into a situation or answer specific questions. In my practice, I use Tarot as a powerful tool for introspection, and approach the technique with the understanding that the answers and responses the cards provide are often reflective rather than instructive - they are validation of what we already know, and serve as reminders for us to embrace our own wisdom - rather than directions on what we “should” do.

1 hr consultation ($100)

In this one hour session, we will discuss the personal situation or set of circumstances of your choosing (don’t overthink it! Whatever’s on your mind is a great starting point). We will then collaborate on a set of questions or a card spread that addresses your needs and shuffle/draw cards. This session truly is a collaboration - we are working together to understand the feedback being given, and applying it to your life. Session notes and pictures of the cards drawn are available for an additional $20 fee.


“Magdelyn was very present and engaged during our reading, and her knowledge of astrology is apparent. During our session, she linked what she was seeing in my chart to what is happening in my life, and communicated in such an empathetic way. She is intuitive, and cares about her clients. I really appreciated her perspective, and would recommend her in the future.”

Rebecca, WI

“Magdelyn's reading was thoughtful and insightful and helped me to visualize one of the central conflicts of my life in a concrete and visual way that proved quite illuminating. She was gentle and modeled consent, caring, and consideration in all aspects of the consultation. I would not hesitate to recommend her, and I'm looking forward to working with her again.”

Christy, WA

About Me

I discovered astrology in 2020, during lockdown. I’d of course heard of astrology, and even had some interest prior, but understood it only as a personality prescription: “you’re a Virgo, so you should feel and behave this way.” I saw it as telling me who to be rather than reflecting who I am. As a twentysomething with a pretty flimsy sense of self at the time, I didn’t mind this at all - I craved some mystical tool that could just tell me outright “this is who you are, this is why you’re here.” I didn’t feel a sense of purpose within, so I looked for one without. Then something shifted in 2020 (yeah, no shit). At the suggestion of a friend, I began paying attention to the cycles of the moon, which led to an interest in the cycles and movements of other planets, and changes in season and climate (social and natural) here in our atmosphere. It didn’t take long before I realized: this world, our reality, she’s alive. It breathes with us, it communicates with us through our experiences, through our perspective. We are not the only ones talking, reaching out. She’s reaching back. Astrology is just one point of entry, one language the Universe speaks in. Studying this language has helped me make peace with the person I am right now, find a feeling of purpose from within, and gain appreciation and respect for the cycles of life and time that we are all so lucky to observe and take part in. When I look at a natal chart, I see a living, breathing poem. I see the story of a hero, with undeniable gifts, a complicated past, hopes and fears and enemies and allies. Your life is a beautiful, heart-wrenching, intelligent story - it’s worth telling. I feel there’s no higher honor than to help you understand and tell that story.

Get in Touch!

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